5, 4, 3, 2, 1…

10 10 2008


I can’t believe that we’re only 5 days away from leaving on our European adventure.  This is a trip that I’ve been wanting do to for as long as I can remember, one that I’ve been planning to do for a year, and one that I have been looking forward to more than ever ever since Zevi told me that he would be coming with me a few months ago.  Even though I’ve been counting down the days for at least the past week, the fact that we are actually doing this becomes more and more surreal with each passing day.  It’s amazing when something that you’ve been talking about and thinking about and telling people that you were going to do becomes a reality rather than just a fantasy.  We’re really going to get on a plane in 5 days and see all of the amazing things I have always wanted to see.  Wow.

Zevi and I decided that instead of sending mass emails we would set up this blog and write about our adventures whenever we have a chance.  We’ll try to post some pictures on here too if we can.  





4 responses

11 10 2008




Have fun.

15 10 2008

Already tres jalouse. That’s probably spelled incorrectly, but I don’t care.

Have a great trip! I will put this blog on my favorites websites list and comment incessently on everything you do!

15 10 2008
Leanna C

Hi Heather!
I know it’s been a long time since we’ve hung out, but as you may (or may not!) know, I’m currently living in London, England. If you guys swing by this way or spend any amount of time in London, it’d be cool to catch up and meet for lunch or something! I’ll be in Paris at the end of the month, but until then, I’m in London.

You’ve got my e-mail I’m sure, if not its leanna.conradson@hotmail.com.

Cheers! And enjoy Europe, I’m sure you’ll have a blast!

16 10 2008

Sigh. so jealous. You, undoubtedly (because I know these things) are on a flight to Frankfurt or London, and I am n the library. at 9pm. and will most likely be up until 1 am trying to finish enough to survive tomorrow.

SO, I am more jealous than Irene.

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